
Jay’s Say: Warhammer Forty K

This episode, Jay is back with Kevin and Shae to talk about the brand new edition of Warhammer 40K. Jay shares his Primaris disillusionment while Shae manages to uncannily draw comparisons between Games Workshop’s business model and the Trump administration. We also spend a little time talking about the upcoming Inside the Gamer Fantasy Football League and Jay’s desperate need for an assist.   This episode of the Inside the Gamer podcast is sponsored in…


Stacking the Deck

Hello everyone. This is your friendly neighborhood PrimeAngron, Warhammer 40k player and tournament organizer (TO). I’ve been playing 40k for more than 20 years and have traveled across several states just to scratch that 40K tournament itch. As a TO, I have run numerous events ranging from a softer playing styles to ITC to straight rulebook, as well as narrative events, apocalypse games, and many others. I consistently run events in and around the greater…