ITG Podcast

ITG Podcast

Jay’s Say: The Beatles and the Bieb

Join Inside the Gamer as we take a look at Beatlemania. Kevin from Skill and Bones Radio sits in with us as we talk about the Beatles. Jay discusses his transition from Beatles hater to lover, and Shae sticks to his claim that Justin Bieber’s talent overshadows the Fab Four. We’ll also discuss the new CNN series, The Sixties, as well as popular board games from that era. This episode of the Inside the Gamer…

ITG Podcast

Shae’s Way: Inside the Gathering

From your local game store to international events, Magic has gathered a strong and steady following of dedicated players. Sit in with Inside the Gamer as we discuss our experience with Magic: The Gathering (MTG) and talk about the money to be made playing in MTG events. Jay also gives us recap of the Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge while Shae shares his disdain for Lord of the Rings and all manner of creatures under four…

ITG Podcast

Jay’s Say: Go Go Power Gamers

Joined by Loren from Skill and Bones Radio, we discuss the competitive nature of the Warhammer 40K community and events. Jay brings up talk regarding some nefarious activity going on in local gaming communities, and we take a look at video game classics Street Fighter and Mortal Combat. This episode of the Inside the Gamer podcast is sponsored in part by Dark Tower Games. Located in Bellingham, WA, Dark Tower Games strives to create a…

ITG Podcast

Shae’s Way: Porn Please?

From Playboy to Pornhub, sit in with Inside the Gamer as we talk pornography in magazines, on screen, and in the home. Duncan from North Korean Zombies joins us to share a few personal anecdotes, talk about Italian culture, and get schooled on Marisa Tomei. He also brings with him a surprise beverage that we all have trouble keeping down. Previously, Shae and Jay talked at length about their fondness for Ms. Tomei. To listen to…

ITG Podcast

Jay’s Say: Childe Gamer to the Dark Tower Came

Thinking about opening your own game store? Join Inside the Gamer as we talk with Nathaniel, owner of Dark Tower Games in Bellingham Washington. He’ll break down basic steps for starting and running a successful game store, as well as provide us with a storeowner’s perspective on the hobby. We’ll also talk about emerging trends in the Warhammer 40K scene and take a look at Community Comp, a community-created system designed to provide a fair…

ITG Podcast

Jay’s Say: Girls – The Real Game

What do girls think of your nerdiness? Check in with Inside the Gamer as we talk to Jay’s wife, and get a woman’s perspective on games and gamers. She’ll share some tips for improving your game when it comes to approaching the fairer sex, and give us some insight into the types of games girls are more likely to play.

ITG Podcast

Shae’s Way: Beam Me Up Brony

Bronies. Are they boldly going where no one has dared? From the Force to the frontier. From little ponies to lumbering primates. From religious faith to republican folly. Sit in with Inside the Gamer as we talk about new and old cultural phenomena.

ITG Podcast

Shae’s Way: North Korean Zombies

What’s your strategy for taking on a zombie horde? Join Inside the Gamer as we explore effective methods for slaying the undead and measure our tactics for mowing them down. We’ll also share some thoughts on the world’s most notorious vampire, Kim Jong-un, who continues to suck the lifeblood from his people.

ITG Podcast

Jay’s Say: ITC, OMG!

Does Warhammer 40K need more regulation? Join Inside the Gamer as we discuss how Games Workshop’s release escalation is impacting community events. We’ll also take a look at third-party groups, like Frontline Gaming’s Independent Tournament Circuit (ITC), that are regulating competitive events with their own rules amendments.

ITG Podcast

Jay’s Say: Cocaine Cowboys

Ever dream of developing your own game? Check in with Inside the Gamer as we talk to Brad Lyons, an up and coming board game designer, who breaks down the steps for successfully creating and promoting your own game.