Hey ITG Nation, welcome back Kevin and Shae as they return to their podcasting endeavors. In this episode of the Social Hour, both Kevin and Shae pull back the metaphorical curtain that is their lives and podcasting and discuss some real matters in the world. Even after a podcasting error (look out interns) magic is made and the fourth wall is broken down. Join the Social Hour as alcohol sinks some ships as it loosens some lips.
Always remember Gamers, Inside the Gamer does not condone the consumption of alcohol however if you do partake please do so responsibly. If you find while listening there is audio distortion, try listening on headphones.
This episode of the Inside the Gamer podcast is sponsored in part by Dark Tower Games. For an earlier episode featuring the owner of Dark Tower Games, see: Childe Gamer to the Dark Tower Came.
Music: www.bensound.com
Ugh…..hashtag, yourfactsarefucked! at around 5minutes/5:30 In you mentioned the Titanic and said it could have potentially avoided its doomize….. Ron- Guhh! Before the titanic even left port it was Doomed Dipshits! The build team put in the boiler system metal walls interior and exterior system in poor fashion and used improper build techniques as they were in a hurry to finish the job due to the build teams Bosses riding their Asses to get the job done! Err Go when the Ship left it’s boiler system was set to take out the Ship before it even landed on the other side. Ugh my brain hurts…….just when I feel I’m an ignorant Prick sucking this planet of its resources dry I tune into Inside the Gamer and INSTANTLY FELL SMARTER. Thank you
Shae and Kevin. Keep up the great work.